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2600 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45220

10 April 2020


Wireless network congestion is a growing issue that needs to be
addressed as network traffic continues to increase. The internet is
experiencing on average one million new users every day, and with the
amount of data being sent over wireless networks set to increase ten-fold
over the next four years, alleviating this traffic will allow for a better
user experience. Traditional Wi-Fi networks operate in the RF spectrum
that ranges from 30Hz – 300GHz. Our project, Puls Lyte, proposes
introducing Li-Fi, or Light Fidelity networks, that operate in the visible
light spectrum which offers 10,000 times the bandwidth of the RF
spectrum. Implementing Li-Fi networks to operate in conjunction with
Wi-Fi networks will alleviate wireless network congestion as well as
offer flexibility for future network expansion.

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